Sunday, May 1, 2011

Deadbeat blogger



The title refers to me... in my last post the photos did not show up and I have had no interest since in the blog world. Well, blogging myself actually, I still look at others. I have been busy... I bought Photohop Elements and figured out quickly that it doesn't do what I want it to. It is the beginner of the Photoshop products and of course, the cheapest. Anyway, I probably don't how to use it correctly, but I did manage to load some actions into it from the Pioneer Woman. They were free! So I feel better about having purchased the software now. I have been using Picasa and was pretty happy with it. I have to rein myself in with this photography stuff or I will be just as obsessed as I am with sewing. I may have to switch back hobbies.
I actually thought I would be a photographer one day. I took classes in college prior to digital. Worked as one for about a year, maybe six months after college. My first "real" job was for this dude in Birmingham. It was brutal. If you have ever had any studio photos done, then you know photographers can have a few props and backgrounds. Well, roll the studio up and throw it into a Dodge Colt hatchback! My territory was Mobile and Baldwin, so I traveled around to daycares in both counties taking photos.
I had just moved to the area and was a bit unfamiliar with street names in Mobile, but alot of my clients were in Pritchard. Did I mention it was commission only? That kind of killed my dream...
Anyway, now I have all of these beautiful subjects(my kids)and decent props and I don't have to leave the house. You get immediate gratification with photography AND you can delete what is awful. Win/Win. My assistant Sam took the ones of me and Pooey, the others I have been working on with different action in PS. I still have to use Picasa to upload them to Blogger. I am probably eating up my hard drive. If anyone has any suggestions or tips on PSE, I am all ears.

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